December 01, 2022

Advent of Spin

David Flanagan

advent code calendar challenge spin cloud awards prizes

Advent of Spin

Advent of Spin

We understand that learning a new technology can be a little daunting, as there’s a lot of buzz around many new technologies, and it can be hard to understand which deserves your attention.

We’re really excited by WebAssembly on a server and believe that writing your micro-services as Spin components provides a developer experience, locally and in the cloud, that far surpasses what we’ve become accustomed to over the last decade.

Providing just enough glue to allow you to focus on your domain and business logic, Spin simplifies the promise of building event-driven architectures.

We want to help you find your footing with Spin and WebAssembly with a fun and effective process that doesn’t require reading, watching, or listening to hours upon hours of content. We built Spin to make things easier, and we want to show you that with our Fermyon’s Advent of Spin.

While our Advent of Spin takes on some characteristics of Advent of Code, ours is not meant to test your algorithms, data structures, or mathematical genius; instead, we want to provide you two opportunities each week to spend 30 minutes (or less) writing and deploying your own Spin applications.

Checkout the Challenges on GitHub @fermyon/advent-of-spin on GitHub

We’ll update this repository every Monday and Friday in December with a fun scenario for you to learn how to write your first WebAssembly applications!

If you’re unsure of any exercise, our friend David Flanagan (@rawkode) will also stream his solution to each challenge every Monday and Friday too, on Fermyon’s YouTube channel.

Challenges will be added every Monday and Friday morning (9am CET).

If you want to reach out for any help with the challenges, join us in the Fermyon Discord.

We’ll also be providing awards across 6 bespoke categories and your solutions could win you some fantastic prizes, so don’t forget to read the submission guidelines for each challenge and submit your solution.

We can’t wait to get you started with Spin. We’ll see you soon!

Thanks, Team Fermyon




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