Looking Ahead to WASIp3
A look at Preview 3 (WASIp3) the next major release of WASI - which brings composable concurrency to Wasm components.

Protect Your REST APIs with Service Chaining
Communicate from one component to another without crossing the network, and lock down those REST APIs

The Third Annual Wasm I/O Is Coming Up
The premier WebAssembly conference happens at the end of March in Barcelona, Spain

Stream Data from Linode Object Storage using the AWS S3 SDK
Learn how to stream data from Linode Object Storage using the AWS S3 SDK in a Spin application. This tutorial walks through setup, implementation, and deployment of a Spin app written in TypeScript that streams and transforms files.

Chrome for Developers: Thorsten Hans talks with Thomas Steiner
Our Senior Cloud Advocate, Thorsten Hans, joined Thomas Steiner on episode at Chrome for Developers - exploring the world of WebAssembly serverless functions and microservices.

Spin Joins CNCF Sandbox: Strengthening Adoption and Benefits for Organizations and Developers
Spin has been accepted in the CNCF Sandbox. This milestone brings many benefits to the Spin ecosystem.

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for your Spin Apps
Learn how to create SBOMs for Spin apps, meet regulatory requirements, and secure your software supply chain with open-source tools like Trivy

Advent of Spin 2024 Wrap-up
Wrapping up Advent of Spin 2024 - Looking back at the fun coding challenges to help you learn Spin and Serverless WebAssembly

What Isn't A PaaS
The promise of PaaS is that developers can build an app, and then deploy it without having to do any additional infrastructure configuration. But a few recent tools claim to be PaaS, yet force developers to do infrastructure engineering. These tools are not actually PaaSes.

The 2024 Highlights
One year closes, and another one opens. Here are some of our highlights from 2024 -- and a hint about what's coming in 2025.

Scaling Spin Apps With KEDA
Learn how to scale Spin apps on Kubernetes with SpinKube and KEDA. Explore event-driven autoscaling using AWS SQS queues to optimize resource usage and enhance application efficiency.

Using SpinKube on Kairos
A guide showing how to install the SpinKube bundle on Kairos

You Are Already Using Wasm In Production
I am often surprised when I hear folks ask, “When will WebAssembly be ready for production?” There seems to be some lurking suspicion that something is holding WebAssembly back.

Announcing Advent of Spin 2024
Announcing Advent of Spin 2024 - A fun coding challenge to learn Spin and Serverless WebAssembly

Observing Spin Apps with OpenTelemetry and the .NET Aspire Dashboard
Learn how to observe your Spin apps using the otel plugin for Spin and the .NET Aspire Dashboard.

Spin gh - Generate GitHub Actions for your Spin Apps in seconds
Get started using the Spin CLI gh plugin to easily generate GitHub Actions for your Spin Apps

Spin Selective Deployments: A Leap Forward for Distributed Applications
Compose a single codebase (even in multiple languages). Edit it in one project. Compile it with one build command.
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