Custom domain names are a foundational element of many public-facing workloads on the internet. They improve discoverability and build brand credibility. Developers interested in hosting their blogs and other websites have been asking for an easy way to bring their domains to Fermyon Cloud without having to worry about the complications of DNS management. We heard your feedback. Today, we are excited to announce support for custom domains on Fermyon Cloud.
When building custom domains support in Fermyon Cloud, we aimed to create a developer experience that prioritized ease and simplicity while delivering the core functionality you need to run your production-grade workloads. Fermyon Cloud will handle the DNS and certificate management on your behalf, giving you more time to focus on application development rather than infrastructure management. Custom domains are available across all Fermyon Cloud subscription plans, so whether you use the Developer Plan to kick the tires with a static web page using Spin’s static file server template or a Growth Plan to build a full-featured website using Bartholomew you can try custom domains today! Let’s take a look at how you can now bring your domain to Fermyon Cloud and assign it to your Spin application of choice in three easy steps.
Getting Started With Custom Domains
If you already have a custom domain purchased through any domain registrar, you can bring it to Fermyon Cloud in three easy steps. Let’s walk through an example together. I have a blog running on Fermyon Cloud using the default assigned domain name of
. While this works well enough for static ingress, I’d like to apply a custom domain name I own,
, to help improve content discoverability and build brand identity.
Step 1 - assign your custom domain to your preferred Spin application
First, I’ll navigate to the Fermyon Cloud Dashboard and select “Manage Domains” on my Spin application that hosts the blog.

From there, I can see the default domain applied to my application. To add my custom domain, I’ll select the “Add custom domain” button.

Now I will share the complete custom domain name, in the prompt below.

Once I’ve saved the domain name, I’ll be prompted to move on to Step 2 - record updates.

Step 2 - update your domain registrar with the name server records generated by Fermyon
Fermyon Cloud automatically generates 4 name server records for me to update with my domain registrar. Instructions on how to do this will vary by domain registrar. By adding these name server records to my domain registrar, I’ll ensure traffic for is directed to Fermyon-managed DNS.

Step 3 - test out your verified domain
After receiving a green check from Fermyon Cloud, signifying the domain has been successfully verified and Fermyon Cloud has generated a Let’s Encrypt certificate on my behalf, I can now test my custom domain by visiting 🎉

Custom domain is now successfully serving traffic for the Spin app
Quotas and Limits
We’re proud to offer custom domains in every Fermyon Cloud subscription plan! To review quota limits by plan, refer to our Pricing page. At this time, we support a maximum of one custom domain per Spin application.
With Fermyon Cloud Custom Domains, developers can bring their domain names to Fermyon Cloud allowing for personalization of their websites and public-facing workloads. Spend less time worrying about DNS management thanks to Fermyon DNS. Simply bring your custom domain, and we’ll handle the rest to ensure your Spin application is discoverable via your preferred domain name! We can’t wait to hear what you think! Feel free to share what you’re working on in our Discord community. We’re more than happy to chat about all things Spin and Fermyon Cloud. To provide feedback on the feature, leave us suggestions, or file a bug please reach out to us via our Feedback repository.
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