August 28, 2023

Join Us at Civo Navigate EU in London

Matt Butcher Matt Butcher

cloud civo conference workshop

Join Us at Civo Navigate EU in London

Civo Navigate is happening on Sept. 5 & 6 in London. And Fermyon will be there (as will some great friends of ours). Check out what we’ve got going on.

Civo has been at the forefront of WebAssembly for quite a while, now. You may recall our recent tour of India with Civo’s Saiyam Pathak. This year’s Navigate has a bunch of WebAssembly talks, and we’re excited to be part of it.

Talks and Workshops

There are several excellent WebAssembly talks lined up, some by Fermyon folks, and others by our friends in the community.

Sept. 5

10:00: Rawkode Academy’s David Flannigan dives into “Real World, Server-Side, WebAssembly with Spin.“ David is a fantastic speaker, and will be focused on some interesting use cases for serverless WebAssembly.

11:00: CEO Matt Butcher and other Fermyon friends are hosting a workshop - “Build a Magic 8-Ball App with Spin and WebAssembly”. Bring your laptop! We’ve got some fun in store.

14:15: Our friend Ashwin Kumar Uppala of GitHub will be exploring “Is Wasm Too Soon or Too Late? Next Generation’s Perspective.”

15:45: Matt Butcher talks about how “The Future of Serverless is WebAssembly.” This talk introduces WebAssembly in the cloud, but we have a little surprise in store!

16:00: Fermyon Principal Engineer Danielle Lancashire goes “From your Laptop to the Cloud and Back Again“ with WebAssembly. Danielle has architected much of Fermyon Cloud, and this will be a fabulous talk.

Matt and Ashwin at the Wasm Hyderabad meetup

Sept. 6

14:00: Join Civo Wasm speakers for an informal Ask the Wasm Experts chat. This is a chance to sit down and have a casual chat before we head over to Sven’s talk (see below). We’ll be in the VIP Theatre Room – head towards the VIP area (there’s a bar with drinks) and mention the session name for access.

14:30: Fermyon friend Sven Pfennig of Liquid Reply will talk “Hacking Kubernetes for Fun and (K)Wasm“ revealing how to run WebAssembly environments such as Spin inside of Kubernetes clusters.

It’s always a good idea to double-check times on the day the conference starts. The latest times are available on the full schedule.

Visit Our Booth

Fermyon is a sponsor of Civo Navigate, and we’ll be bringing along some fun stickers and new shirts. Stop by our booth to chat WebAssembly and serverless, to grab some stickers/shirts, or to just hang out with us. If you still need a ticket, DM our Head of Community Karen Chu on the Fermyon Discord and she can help you out!




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