August 22, 2023

Fermyon @ Copenhagen Developers Festival 2023

Sohan Maheshwar Sohan Maheshwar

fermyon conference webassembly developer

Fermyon @ Copenhagen Developers Festival 2023

We’re excited to attend Copenhagen Developers Festival in beautiful Copenhagen, Denmark! Come attend our workshop and learn about WebAssembly, Spin and Fermyon Cloud. We’ll also have some cool Fermyon swag to give away! See the schedule below for details:

Wednesday Aug 30th @ Copenhagen Rust Community

The Copenhagen Rust Community is hosting their Meetup #39 at the Novo Nordisk Digital Innovation Hub at 6:00PM. Don’t miss the presentation by Fermyon’s Mikkel Hegnhoj and Sohan Maheshwar as they present “An introduction to Spin, a serverless WebAssembly framework written in Rust”. Full details and RSVP on the Meetup page.

Talk on Thursday Aug 31st 10:20 - 11:20 @ Copenhagen Developers Festival

Join Fermyon’s Head of Product & DevRel - Mikkel Hegnhoj in this talk that’s titled ‘Next generation microservices and serverless applications with WebAssembly and Spin’. The session is about:

  • What server-side WebAssembly is, and show how it addresses common developer problems.
  • Spin, an open source framework, which enables you to develop serverless functions and web applications, utilizing the benefits of WebAssembly.
  • How to run your WebAssembly application in many places, in the cloud, in Kubernetes, on your VMs and in many more places.

Workshop on Thursday Aug 31st 15:00 - 17:20 @ Copenhagen Developers Festival

Join us at the conference for a hands-on workshop on ‘Getting started with serverless WebAssembly’. This two hour workshop is a guided tour into building your first serverless applications with WebAssembly and Spin with some of your favorite programming languages (such as Rust, C#, JavaScript and TypeScript, and even Python or Go). Bring your own laptop! The workshop will be conducted by Fermyon’s Head of Product & DevRel - Mikkel Hegnhoj, and Lead Developer Advocate - Sohan Maheshwar.

For more details and registration, check out the workshop page here.

We have a bunch of Fermyon stickers and t-shirts to give away at the workshop, so we hope to see you there.




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