February 08, 2023

Fermyon @ DeveloperWeek '23

Karen Chu Karen Chu

fermyon conference meetup webassembly

Fermyon @ DeveloperWeek '23

The Fermyon team is headed out west to Oakland, CA next week for the in-person Developer Week event to share the latest in WebAssembly + cloud native technologies. Come learn about how with WebAssembly, our open source project Spin, and Fermyon Cloud, you can get from blinking cursor to deployed application in 66 seconds.

We’ll be around all week — check out the schedule below for details:

[Hybrid] Wasm NA Meet-Up

Time: Wed Feb 15, 05:00 - 07:00 PM PT

Location: Convex’s De Haro Office (444 De Haro St Suite 218 · San Francisco, CA) & Online

Join us for a pre-conference meet-up with the Wasm NA group in the Dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco. Convex will be hosting at their office and we’ll be sponsoring light bites and drinks. Matt Butcher will be presenting on “Writing Serverless Functions with Spin”. Full details are on the meet-up page.

To tune into the meet-up remotely, RSVP for the virtual event and tune in ~05:30 PM PT.

OPEN Talk Presentation @ DeveloperWeek

Time: Thur Feb 16, 09:00 - 09:25 AM PT

Location: Oakland Convention Center, OPEN Expo Innovation Stage

If you miss Matt Butcher at the Wednesday evening meet-up, catch him bright and early on Thursday at the first OPEN Talk session taking place at the OPEN Expo Innovation Stage – OPEN TALK: WebAssembly is the Future of Serverless


As cloud developers, we are accustomed to working with virtual machines and containers. But there is an exciting new wave of cloud computing. WebAssembly, originally written for the browser, has the performance characteristics ideal for the next generation of serverless. And with the open source Spin project, you can build your first WebAssembly serverless function in two minutes.

For the last several years, two technologies have claimed the cloud compute space: Virtual machines (VMs) and containers. But there is a third class of cloud compute that has the ideal characteristics for underpinning serverless functions. And this technology is WebAssembly.

WebAssembly may have begun life in the browser, but like many promising technologies, it is useful well beyond. WebAssembly’s unique execution model and performance profile make it an excellent third wave of cloud computing. With lean memory and CPU usage, startup times under one millisecond, and a strong sandboxing model, WebAssembly is a great fit for the cloud.

The open source Spin project enables cloud native developers to go from a blinking cursor to a deployed serverless function in less than two minutes. We’ll look at the performance characteristics of this kind of serverless, and conclude with an exploration of what this means for the future of cloud computing.


  • WebAssembly is the next wave of cloud computing, alongside VMs and containers
  • Serverless functions illustrate the ideal usage pattern for WebAssembly
  • A developer can be up and running in as little as two minutes

If you can’t make the live presentation, you can catch it during the [Virtual] event the following week on Wednesday February 22 @ 09:00 AM PT.

Fermyon Booth at the DeveloperWeek

Location: Oakland Convention Center, Expo Hall - Booth 502

We want to chat in person so drop by our booth at DeveloperWeek in the Expo Hall! The team will have tons of Fermyon t-shirts and stickers for you to choose from. You can find us near the Expo Discovery Stage and Hacker Lounge during these times:

  • Thur Feb 16 // 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM PT
  • Feb Feb 17 // 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM PT

OPEN Passes to DeveloperWeek - Giveaway

If you’re interested in participating in the event, we’re giving away a limited amount of OPEN passes for the event.

OPEN Passes include live & virtual access to: Keynotes, OPEN Talks, Expo, and 1:1 Networking. This pass is for Thur Feb 16 - Fri Feb 17 & Wed Feb 22 - Thur Feb 23. LIMITED QUANTITIES - FOR ENTRY-LEVEL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPERS & ENGINEERS ONLY (credentials verified with LinkedIn profiles).

Email Karen or DM her on Twitter to claim these first come first serve tickets.

With that, the Fermyon team is excited to see everyone next week!




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