October 30, 2023

Fermyon @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA '23

Matt Butcher Matt Butcher

fermyon conference KubeCon cloud native WebAssembly

Fermyon @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA '23

Autumn has arrived, and it’s time for KubeCon! This year, it is in Chicago (a city I once called home). And we have some exciting things lined up for our chitown visit. From WasmDay to OpenShift Commons to KubeCon itself, we’ll be demoing a lot of things in a lot of places.

And make sure you stop by the Fermyon booth, because we’ve got two big things for you:

  1. We’ll have copies of the newest book in the Illustrated Children’s Guide series: Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm.
  2. Finicky Whiskers Friends introduces a puppy pal for Slats the Cat. Choose your side: cats or dogs.

Saturday November 4 @ Cloud Native Rejekts

Cloud Native Rejekts is a b-side conference to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA and will take place the weekend before KubeCon kicks off.

Monday November 6 @ Cloud Native Wasm Day

Cloud Native WasmDay is a staple of KubeCon pre-days. This year, the WebAssembly Component Model will be taking center stage. WasmDay is also a great place to meet many of the key WebAssembly developers and teams.

Monday November 6 @ Red Hat OpenShift Commons

Fermyon folks are deeply steeped in the Kubernetes community. We’ve been working with Liquid Reply and Red Hat to bring WebAssembly to OpenShift. We’re thrilled to be at OpenShift Commons to showcase running serverless Wasm functions inside an OpenShift cluster alongside containers.

  • [3:30 PM - 3:50 PM] Running Spin Wasm Apps on OpenShift - Matt Butcher & Chris Matteson, Fermyon

Tuesday November 7 - Thursday November 9 @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA ’23

The main event, KubeCon itself, kicks off on Tuesday. Head to the Fermyon booth (K10 - near the Splunk Activation Zone & GitHub booth) to hang out with Fermyon developers and play the new Finicky Whiskers game (co-starring Slats the Cat and Ninja the Dog). Bring a friend for a finicky-feeding face-off frenzy to see if cat or dog people lead the scoreboard!

We’re also giving out copies of Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm (and some other field guide swag). Come by our booth on Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 06:30 pm if you’d like to get your copy signed by authors Matt Butcher and Karen Chu.

Fermyon has focused on an amazing developer experience for building apps with WebAssembly. Come by to talk code and play around with next-gen WebAssembly tooling (Shhh… don’t tell anybody, but we’re launching something new this week!). Spin also makes it really easy to build apps with LLMs and Generative AI.

We’ve also got a tutorial session on Tuesday, and a session on Phippy’s Field Guide on Wednesday. Here’s the full list of goings on:

See you soon in Chicago!


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