April 13, 2023

Fermyon @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU '23

Karen Chu Karen Chu

fermyon conference KubeCon cloud native Webassembly

Fermyon @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU '23

We’re looking forward to heading back to familiar grounds next week in Amsterdam for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU ’23! With a strong team background in the cloud native space, we’re excited to share and learn about the newest innovations in the cloud native community.

Come find us throughout the week to explore latest developments in Spin and Fermyon Cloud, upcoming community engagements, and pick up some new and exclusive Fermyon/Spin swag. Join us starting on April 18 for various activities throughout the conference – see the schedule below for details:

Tuesday April 18 @ Cloud Native Wasm Day

Fermyon is highly invested in Cloud Native Wasm Day and will be onsite as Diamond Sponsors at our Fermyon table towards the back of the conference room! Be sure to come by and pick up an * exclusive * tie-dye Spin shirt to celebrate our recent Spin 1.0 launch! Additionally, catch our talks covering our recent community investments and developments:

Tuesday April 18, 19:00 - 21:00 Wasm Day Happy Hour w/Docker & Fermyon @ Café Blek

Conclude Cloud Native Wasm Day by joining us and our partner Docker for a laid back night of drinks, light bites, and conversations about Docker’s +Wasm (Beta) & Fermyon Spin at Café Blek starting at 19:00! Make sure to RSVP here and don’t forget to bring your Cloud Native Wasm Day or KubeCon+CloudNativeCon conference badge for tab service.

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU ’23

The Fermyon crew is looking forward to chatting with the community throughout the 3 days of KubeCon+CloudNativeCon! Swing by our booth to compete in our Finicky Whiskers game, claim a custom Slats keycap by deploying an app on Fermyon Cloud, and pick-up Fermyon swag (we’ll be debuting our new Fermyon sticker book).

Slats keycap on light-up mechanical keyboard

To find us, enter the Main Hall entrance, walk down to the end of the walkway, hang a left, walk halfway down the walkway and we’ll be on the left. Lastly, catch the following in-person sessions on Wednesday for some hands-on Webassembly experience or to learn about our teammate’s work on the Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committee:




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