March 20, 2023

Fermyon @ Wasm I/O '23

Karen Chu Karen Chu

fermyon conference meetup webassembly spin

Fermyon @ Wasm I/O '23

The Fermyon team is excited to be in Barcelona, Spain this week for the inaugural Wasm I/O conference! Come learn about latest project and product developments, upcoming community activites, and pick up some of our newest Fermyon/Spin swag. Join us starting on March 22nd for various activities throughout the conference – see the schedule below for details:

Wednesday Mar 22, 18:00 - 19:30 CET - WASM and Docker, the meetup @ Runroom

Join our senior engineer Kate Goldenring for a Wasm and Docker meet-up with the Docker Barcelona group in the Vila de Gràcia neighborhood at Runroom. Alongside other leaders in the Webassembly space, Kate will be part of the “WASM Panel. Everything you wanted to know about WASM.” Full details are on the meet-up page.

Thursday Mar 23 @ Wasm I/O

Thursday Mar 23, 19:00 - 21:00 CET 🥳 Spin Happy (Birthday) Hour @ The Velvet Room BCN

We’re celebrating Spin’s one-year birthday and would love to invite everyone for a Spin Happy (Birthday) Hour! Participation in Wasm I/O is not necessary for joining our party. We’ll be at Velvet Room BCN from 19:00 - 21:00 CET with live music, light bites, drinks, and fun conversations! If you’re planning on swinging by, please RSVP here.

Friday Mar 24 @ Wasm I/O

Fermyon Sponsor Booth

Chat with the team in-person throughout Wasm I/O! Compete against your fellow conference go-ers in our Finicky Whiskers game, participate in our custom Slats keycap giveway by deploying an app on Fermyon Cloud, and pick up Fermyon t-shirts and stickers. You can find us near the entrance to the auditorium during these times:

  • Thursday Mar 23 // 09:00 - 18:45 CET
  • Friday Mar 24 // 09:00 - 18:30 CET

Discount Passes to Wasm I/O

If you’re interested in attending Wasm I/O, we have some 15% off discount codes!

Email Karen or DM her on Twitter to claim the discount code.

Safe travels everyone – see you onsite in Barcelona!




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