May 20, 2022

We're talking about Nomad, WebAssembly, and Next Wave Microservices @ HashiConf EU

Matt Butcher Matt Butcher

hashiconf nomad spin finicky whiskers

We're talking about Nomad, WebAssembly, and Next Wave Microservices @ HashiConf EU

HashiConf EU is both virtual and in-person in Amsterdam this June 20-22. Matt Butcher is presenting (virtually) on “WebAssembly and Nomad for Next Wave Microservices.” Finicky Whiskers will make its return, as we look at how the world’s most adorable manual load generator runs atop Nomad and Spin. See how we use service discovery, secret storage, and Nomad task drivers to run a huge number of next-wave microservices on a surprisingly small Nomad cluster.

Here is the description of Matt’s talk.

First came virtual machines. Then containers. Now WebAssembly is poised to be the next wave of cloud computing. With blazing fast speeds, tiny binaries, and security by default, Wasm is the foundation for a new generation of microservices. When we began building our open source Wasm platform, we chose to build it on Nomad, Consul, and Vault. Attendees will leave understanding WebAssembly, its potential on the cloud, and why Nomad is the ideal orchestrator for Wasm.

As always, we’re excited about HashiCorp’s amazing set of tools, and we’re proud to participate in HashiConf EU.




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