June 18, 2024

Moving to a Fully Open Planning Process for the Spin Project

Melissa Klein Melissa Klein

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Moving to a Fully Open Planning Process for the Spin Project

Today, we are happy to announce that we’re moving to a fully open planning process for the Spin Project. With our roadmaps and issue tracking public, the gap to close isn’t all that big anymore to begin with. To fully get there, we’ll increase the cadence of our public community meetings from monthly to weekly, and use them for the Spin community to come together to discuss key project decisions, new features, open issues, and/or demo new projects.

Let’s dive into the why and into more detail on what this means for the format of the Spin Community meetings.

A Fully Open Planning Process for the Spin Project

Fermyon has always viewed Spin as a community project built with the input from multiple stakeholders that should not be driven by the goals of any single organization. Up to this point, this operating principle has been implicit with no formal governance process defined for the project. In order to move Spin more towards this vision, we are preparing a document that will lay out how we envision open, multi-stakeholder governance of the Spin project will work in the future (see Spin issue #2449). As the document is receiving its final reviews, we are already taking steps to make Spin governance a more open and transparent process. One of those steps is to increase the scope of the project meetings. As the title reflects, project meetings will have a broader set of topics in the agenda such as key project decisions and new features, in addition to standing topics we’ve enjoyed in the Spin Community Meetings such as demos and issue review.

To reflect the change in scope, we’re renaming the meeting series from Spin Community Meeting to Spin Project meeting. Since we also want to make the meetings more accessible to contributors all over the world, the Spin Project Meetings will be held on a weekly basis on Mondays, alternating time slots, 2:30pm UTC and 9:00pm UTC, every week to accommodate more time zones. You can see the schedule on our public Google Calendar.

The Spin Project Meeting agenda is a public document. The document contains a rolling agenda with the date and time of each meeting, the Zoom link, and topics of discussion for the day. You will also find the meeting minutes for each meeting and the link to the recording. If you have something you would like to demo or discuss at the project meeting, we encourage you to add it to the agenda.

Our next Spin Project Meeting will be Monday June 24th at 9:00pm UTC (Zoom link). We’d love to see you there!


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