November 07, 2023

Fermyon Presents: Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm

Karen Chu Karen Chu

fermyon webassembly book

Fermyon Presents: Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm

From the creators of the original Children’s Guide to Kubernetes comes a new “field guide” introducing WebAssembly concepts. On their camping trip with Blossom the Wasm Possum, Phippy and Zee’s adventures illustrate the basics of Wasm, introduce key terminology, and explain how it complements existing cloud technologies such as containers and Kubernetes.

Authors Matt Butcher and Karen Chu will be doing a book signing at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA ‘23 on Tuesday, November 7, @ 6:30 p.m. during the #KubeCrawl + #CloudNativeFest at the Fermyon booth. Additionally, they’ll be doing a live reading of the book during their KubeCon session on Wednesday, November 8, from 03:25 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.

In the meantime, read the digital copy of the book here as a PDF, or read it below.

Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm




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