April 16, 2024

Python, Wasm, and Componentize-Py

The Fermyon Team

wasm webassembly python

Python, Wasm, and Componentize-Py

Using Python to write WebAssembly (Wasm) apps can be done via Componentize-Py. This article is a post-event recap of our recent Python-flavoured Live Code Tuesday. The event, held on Pi Day March 14th (3.14) was a bid to connect with one of our favorite programming languages (Python) whilst also celebrating the mathematic constant of pi (pardon the pun). The session featured our very own Joel Dice, one of the pioneers in the Python Wasm space. We delved deeply into a transformative project that Joel has been championing for a while: Componentize-Py.

At the heart of the Live Code Tuesday discussion was the groundbreaking advancement in Wasm components. Wasm components allow for seamless composition, enhancing portability, security, and cross-language compatibility. Componentize-py enables Python programs and libraries to also be encapsulated as individual Wasm components.

The introduction of componentize-py marks a significant milestone. Joel explained, “It’s about standing on the shoulders of giants”. This tool allows developers to create Python-based components that can be composed and executed within various environments—ranging from browsers to IoT devices to serverless architectures.

Why Componentize-Py

Components created with componentize-py are isolated, making them secure and reliable units that can be independently deployed and maintained. This isolation also leads to better scalability in large-scale applications.

One of the tool’s remarkable features is its support for polyglot programming. It allows for the integration of Python with other programming languages in a unified environment, leveraging the best tools for specific tasks.

By bundling the interpreter and any native extensions to Wasm, componentize-py ensures that applications are portable across different operating systems and execution environments without any changes in the codebase.

The Future of Python and Wasm

As we look to the future, the synergy between Python and Wasm, facilitated by tools like componentize-py, promises a new era of web development. The potential for running high-performance, secure, and portable Python applications is closer than ever.

Live Code Tuesday with Joel Dice was not just a seminar; it was a peek into the future of software development. As the community continues to innovate, the boundaries of what can be achieved with Python and Wasm will undoubtedly expand, marking an exciting chapter in the evolution of programming languages.

For developers eager to dive straight in, exploring our building Spin components in Python documentation will get you up and running with a Wasm-powered serverless application in next to no time.

If you would like a little more video content, you can also check out Joel’s “Introducing Componentize-Py” presentation, from WasmCon 2023, below.

Or check out his Introducing Componentize-Py blog post.




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