May 15, 2023

A Guide to Getting Involved With the Spin Community

The Fermyon Team

spin wasm webassembly cloud rust microservices fermyon serverless applications apps

A Guide to Getting Involved With the Spin Community

A lot is happening in the WebAssembly (Wasm) ecosystem and we are working very hard to create new features functionality and documentation for you. We want to share what we have created for you and hear about what you are building with Spin and Fermyon Cloud.

We have been holding monthly Fermyon community meetings for the last seven months. Now it is time to change gears.

Spin - Monthly Developer Meetings

We are holding monthly Spin community meetings aimed at developers who are interested in contributing to Spin or Spin tooling, as per the following schedule.

Spin Developer Meeting Schedule
Join us on Zoom4th Monday of each month at 11 a.m. Eastern Time (5 p.m. Berlin Time)

The primary goal of these meetings is to collaborate with developers who are interested in diving into how Spin works. We will dive into the details of Spin template and plugin authoring, as well as extending and embedding Spin, and much more. Meetings will consist of live demonstrations followed by some show-and-tell (from you and/or your project/company) and will wind up with a Q&A session. We are excited about you getting involved in Spin; an open-source multi-language framework for building and deploying serverless Wasm applications. Come along and have your say in feature development, ask questions and hopefully even contribute to Spin.

Fermyon Cloud - Office Hours

We are holding monthly office hours events consisting primarily of Q&A around Fermyon Cloud, as per the following schedule.

Office Hours Event Schedule
Join us on Zoom1st Wednesday of each month at 08:00 PM GMT

The primary goal of these meetings is to cover new release information and Fermyon Cloud changelog details to generate awareness around ongoing Fermyon Cloud features. Ultimately, we want to hear about what you are building and help you succeed with your Fermyon Cloud application.

Community Content - Monthly Feature Videos

For those building applications using Spin and Fermyon Cloud, we will be releasing an instructional video resource, as per the following schedule.

Monthly Feature Video Schedule
Fermyon YouTube channel1st Tuesday of each month

These resources will cover topics like managing Spin templates and plugins, as well as mastering the Spin Command Line Interface (CLI).

Keeping in Touch

keep in touch

In between all of the above, please go ahead and connect with us via Fermyon Twitter, Spin Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. Don’t forget to check out our official developer documentation and hit us up with any questions you may have via Discord.




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