Spin Selective Deployments: A Leap Forward for Distributed Applications
Compose a single codebase (even in multiple languages). Edit it in one project. Compile it with one build command.

Introducing Spin 3.0
The latest major release of Spin is here - with new features like Component Dependencies, Selective Deployments, Otel Integration, and Spin Factors.

WebAssembly Jobs and CronJobs in Kubernetes with SpinKube & the Spin Command Trigger
Learn how to run WebAssembly apps as Kubernetes Jobs and CronJobs using Spin Command Trigger and SpinKube

Lightweight Kubernetes and Wasm is a Perfect Combo
Squeeze more out of your lower-powered hardware with lightweight Kubernetes distros and SpinKube

Measuring Crowd Engagement with an MQTT-based IoT App
Learn how to build a Spin application that is triggered by an MQTT-based sound sensor and deploy that application to a Kubernetes cluster with SpinKube

Automating API endpoint testing with Spin
How to use Spin's in-built SQLite, Hurl and GitHub Actions to automate API endpoint testing.

How I Wrote A Kinesis Trigger Plugin For Spin
Learn why and how I built an AWS Kinesis trigger for Spin.

Spin Verman - The Version Manager Plugin
Get started using the Spin CLI Version Manager plugin to easily switch between versions of Spin

Integrating Spin with Azure services
Get started using Azure's blob storage and storage queue services with a Spin application.

Telemetry for Spin Apps with the OTel Plugin
Get started using the Spin CLI OTel plugin for viewing your Spin applications logs, traces and metrics.

More Ways to Deploy via the Spin Hub
Check out some changes we’ve made to the Spin Hub (formerly known as Spin Up Hub) and some new templates & samples that have been added by our community members.

Move Over SEO, It's Time For AIO
As AI displaces search, AI-optimized content will displace SEO. Here's how.

Introducing our Next-Generation JavaScript SDK
We Created a Completely New, Much Improved JavaScript SDK Without Breaking Existing Code

Summer of Spin 2024
Fermyon's Summer of Spin is a Spin-off on the Advent of Spin, consisting of fun coding challenges!

The Spin Project - A Community Snapshot
As Spin adoption and contribution grows, we express gratitude and take a look at community metrics.

Exploring the MQTT Trigger for Spin: Simplifying Real-time Communication
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) Trigger for Spin.

Running SpinKube on Rancher Desktop: An Update.
Running SpinKube on Rancher Desktop has never been easier!
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