Introducing the Fermyon Cloud Key Value Store

Introducing the Fermyon Cloud Key Value Store

With the introduction of the Fermyon Cloud Key Value Store, you can now persist non-relational data in a key/value store that is always available for your serverless application within milliseconds, with no cold starts.

Introducing Spin 1.1

Introducing Spin 1.1

Spin 1.1 brings improvements to the developer experience through a new `spin watch` command, the ability to configure the Spin key/value store, new HTTP routers for Rust and Go, and more!

The Four Domains of Wasm

The Four Domains of Wasm

What is WebAssembly good for? We all know about its value to the browser. But there are other intriguing cases.

Introducing the Spin Python SDK

Introducing the Spin Python SDK

The Spin Python SDK enables developers to build rich serverless applications using one of the world's most popular programming languages.

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