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Install Your Own Serverless App Platform

If you want to run serverless functions in your own private cloud or directly on your own server hardware, (install your own serverless app platform) there are several options.

SpinKube and Fermyon Platform for Kubernetes

SpinKube is an open source toolkit for running Spin serverless apps inside of Kubernetes. It can be installed via a Helm chart or manually. It is comprised of CRDs, and operator, the Spin Containerd shim, and other tools.

Fermyon Platform for Kubernetes is a commercially available version of SpinKube plus some additional tools. Fermyon Platform includes support, verified builds, and (in some cases) the high-performance Cyclotron runtime, capable of running thousands of applications per node in a Kubernetes cluster.

Fermyon Platform for Nomad

Also, Fermyon Platform for Nomad can install a Spin server and web UI onto a variety of clouds, including some private clouds.

  • The system is based on the HashiCorp stack of tools. HashiCorp has an article and video explaining how Nomad schedules Spin.
  • You can easily alter the Terraform-based installer to fit your needs.
  • There is existing support for Azure, Civo, Digital Ocean, Equinix Metal, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in addition to a local installer.

Apache OpenWhisk

Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless, open source cloud platform that can be installed onto a variety of configurations:

Fn Project

The Fn Project, while it seems to no longer be maintained, is the basis for Oracle’s serverless apps. The open-source core is available for installation.

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Quickstart Your Serverless Apps with Spin

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